So, we're getting close to the due date now and my friend
Tina had her baby on Sunday! Good thing we did her pregnancy
photos on Friday! Anyhow, this made me think that I only have one more pregnant friend after her, due in August, and then it's my turn.

The newest development is that instead of feeling Johnny and holding my hand on my belly to wait for it again, I can actually feel AND SEE body parts moving (an arm, a leg, a rump, an elbow). It's the most AMAZING feeling ever!
The due date getting close, plus feeling him so well now has got me a little sad. I know this might seem silly, but I've enjoyed being pregnant, learning, feeling him grow and now it's almost over. I know it will be amazing when he gets here, but I'm a little sad for this part to be over too. Is that ridiculous?! Did you go through that?
I know, I know....I may feel REAL different when I'm 2 weeks from my due date and he's kicking me in the ribs and I can't get comfy at night.
Things are about to change, DRASTICALLY! I'm getting a little nervous about all that is to come: labor, how to care for a new baby, how not to break him, etc.