This has gone from my spot to share all my questions, fears and experiences to a necessary outlet for the good, bad and the ugly that goes along with having two boys. I wouldn't change it for the world!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Is This Awkward?

I don't know why I think this is SSSSOOOO funny!!! But I think it's HIL-ARIOUS!!!!  Do you think we spend too much time together?

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

First Tooth

So, most of you know that I've been saying that Baby Johnny is teething, since he was about 8 weeks old. I would look and feel around inside his mouth for his big milestone and no tooth. Well.....his first tooth finally made it's appearance inside that precious little mouth just last week!!!  That only took 8 1/2 months. ;0) 

You can kinda see it in the picture. Look real close. No. Get closer. See it??

Friday, June 17, 2011

High Five

Staying home with Baby Johnny is such a gift. He is so much fun.....and he's funny!! We love our time together being silly.

Pulling It Together

It seems like Baby Johnny went from sitting up to pulling himself up on things overnight!! It's really been about 2 months but the time goes by so quickly. Mary pointed out that he hasn't even been here as long as he was growing inside me!! So crazy! What did I do before he was born?? 

The Growler

I can't believe I haven't posted to this blog since March! Baby Johnny has so many new things to share.
  • sitting up
  • crawling
  • first haircut
  • baptism
  • pulling himself up
  • saying "mama"
  • And.....his FIRST tooth
First I have to start with his funniest noise....he growls!! It is hilarious. We're not sure where he got it, but it's hard not to laugh and copy when he does it. Check him out.

Watch Out World

Now that Baby Johnny is crawling, he is EVERYWHERE!!  If I thought he was my shadow before, that was an understatement. He will crawl to the kitchen, bathroom, bedrooms, anywhere that you go, almost faster than you can walk. He is crawling all over, but still LOVES to stand. He pulls himself up on chairs, tables, toys, anything that will hold him. I'd say he will probably be walking soon, but I was also the one that said he was teething for 8 months before he got his first tooth. Check out his progress!  This is when he first started crawling in May.Go Baby J!!

The Many Expressions of Baby J

Not loving the sad little bruise on his precious forehead though. ;0(