This has gone from my spot to share all my questions, fears and experiences to a necessary outlet for the good, bad and the ugly that goes along with having two boys. I wouldn't change it for the world!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

My Kids Kidnapped Me now, everyone knows that we had a beautiful, healthy baby boy on May 12th. Hudson arrived 17 days early and has had us working for his love ever since!! I haven't even had a chance to post about his birth and he'll be four months old soon. I know I'm a procrastinator, but I swear this time our kids were holding me hostage!! Here's some fantastic maternity and delivery pics that my biz partner and dear friend, Bree, captured. She and my mom jumped in the room the second after he flew out (story for another day).

The Fam

 While I know this isn't my best pic, it means a lot. I stumbled on the one shirt I asked for when my grandpa passed, covered in paint. He was a hard worker and a great man. I wanted to wear it as we got set to welcome our second little man. 


Thursday, May 3, 2012

36 Weeks, 3 Days and Counting

At 35 weeks I was dilated to 1 cm and 50% effaced. The doctor said that is common with second time moms and could stay that way for some time. She also said that these final weeks are critical for brain and lung development. The Dr said that she wouldn't put me on bed rest or stop progression since a baby can be born healthy at 35 weeks, but suggested that I stop doing photo shoots and try to take it easy. With the utterance of "brain and lung development" I knew that I would hear those words from the Hubs repeatedly until my next check up. Guess what? I was right. Now Johnny is doing his work, my work at home and forcing me to relax. He's been great!

We'll see what they say at my 36 week appt tomorrow. Baby Johnny didn't really get the memo about 'taking it easy', but he's been a real trooper and has had some outings with Aunt Lisa, GG and Dad.  When I have contractions I get antsy, like let's do this or stop faking it. I'll try to hold him in a little longer. I don't really want him smaller than Baby Johnny was, who was born 15 days early.

Well, back to my movie. It won't watch itself.

Better With Age

The older that Baby Johnny gets, the more fun it is for us! He loves to interact, chat, play, dance, run, hide which are all so much fun for us.  He's great at going down for bed now without a fight. He has his good night routine that he loves including brushing his teeth and saying goodnight to Kylie. He always wakes up happy in the morning, although I wish it would be later than 5:30-6 a.m. Ugh. That's really going to bite me in the --- when new Baby Shebl gets here. He loves to play ball, go outside, "drop the hammer" on Dad, read and is picking up new words including yes, which is such a relief from the constant "no" that we used to get for EVERYTHING. He's learning new words everyday and will mimick us in reciting A, B, Cs (which I tried to record today but didn't go well).

He loves exploring new places finding spots to hide things or himself. I finally found my comb after 2 weeks of searching. It reappeared in the living room. Johnny went to put on his work boots and found playdough, an outlet plug and dry grass.  I'm still searching for a scarf from December...thinking I need to let the dream die on that one.

How could I forget stairs?! He LOVES stairs.

29 Weeks

This was 29 weeks....seems like a lifetime ago. This was also the week that we received our first gift for our newest arrival. A super cute outfit for our "whaley cute" boy. This outfit looks so tiny compared to our 16 month old boy's clothes. 

This is what big boys look like, real busy in the backyard!! Someone has to help Dad. 

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Reality Check

So....just when I start to think our son can't be smarter, cuter, more entertaining or anything less than perfect, he gut checks me!! I think he notes my false sense of reality and decides to do something to crush my perfect vision. Well friends, today was one of those days. After breakfast, he was covered in oatmeal (a sign of a creative genius), so I took his jammies off and let him run around in his diaper while I did our breakfast dishes. I come out of the kitchen to see him rubbing his hands together and his diaper hanging loosely.

"What's that on your hands?!" I'm sure you guessed it!! P-O-O-P!! What the...?!

"Oh no you didn't!"

I thought we were so close to his potty mastering, considering he likes to sit on his potty chair and has once "made a gift" while sitting on it (with a diaper on), but still!!

I still think this was a well thought out plan to keep me from submitting his application to the Gifted Program.
You win for now Wee One. Score: Johnny-1, Mom-0

Monday, February 27, 2012

Running Out Of Time

This week will mark 27 weeks in my pregnancy with the newest Wee Shebl to grace our family. We have got to decide on a name!! This is much harder than we would have imagined. Some friends (you know who you are...) had names picked out before they knew the sex of their babies. While it's a fun experience to role play scolding different names, "Get down Connor Thomas Shebl", I'm ready to address my belly with a name. ;0)

We're taking suggestions, with consideration. It's easy to get on a tangent of silly names that we wouldn't choose. Smitty may have been one of the first of those. Thanks Babe!! Or Marcus Joe. Thanks Mom.

27 weeks means 2 lbs (like a head of cauliflower) and 14 1/2 inches long with legs extended. That's longer than a school ruler! I keep waiting for an arm to poke out, like the creature in Alien. This monkey is trying to show up his older brother with how hard he can kick. we move into week 27, let's just call him Abel Shebl. He's clearly able to kick, punch and roll. According to the books, he's able to open his eyes, hear and suck on his fingers. Send in your favorite names now. Only 13 weeks left!! ;0)

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Half Way...Already!

We had our 20 week appt last week and our little man is growing quickly. He was 12 oz at the appt. That's the size of a can of soda. He'll be much better looking though. ;0) 

My friend is a few weeks ahead of me and was saying how she is craving OJ. I didn't realize my obsession with OJ until she mentioned it. I could suck down a carton of OJ like a teenage boy right now!! Luckily, I'm not craving burgers too often like I was with Baby Johnny. Now, brie cheese...that's another story. While this pregnancy has been relatively easy, there are still a few things I miss.

1) sleeping on my back/stomach
2) W-I-N-E
4) more than 1 cup of caffeine/day
5) jeans w/o an elastic waistband (if I buy pajama jeans, please intervene!!)
6) working out. Wait....that's not true.
7) having 1 chin

Things I missed about being pregnant and am enjoying:

1) feeling the baby move/kick (never gets old)
2) less guilt when I indulge in higher fat foods (not including that 1/2 box of See's Candy that one day...ugh)
3) more frequent back rubs
4) people are nicer/more helpful towards pregnant people ;0) 
5) the anticipation of meeting him for the first time (not the birth can keep that)

Still working on a name. Naming him after someone is much easier! Now we need a first and middle name. Phew. This is hard!! We're accepting all suggestions, except Smitty. Don't ask. 

Since Baby J was 15 days early, I thought it would be fun to see when people think Wee Deaux will arrive. Cast your votes to the right!