This week will mark 27 weeks in my pregnancy with the newest Wee Shebl to grace our family. We have got to decide on a name!! This is much harder than we would have imagined. Some friends (you know who you are...) had names picked out before they knew the sex of their babies. While it's a fun experience to role play scolding different names, "Get down Connor Thomas Shebl", I'm ready to address my belly with a name. ;0)
We're taking suggestions, with consideration. It's easy to get on a tangent of silly names that we wouldn't choose. Smitty may have been one of the first of those. Thanks Babe!! Or Marcus Joe. Thanks Mom.

27 weeks means 2 lbs (like a head of cauliflower) and 14 1/2 inches long with legs extended. That's longer than a school ruler! I keep waiting for an arm to poke out, like the creature in Alien. This monkey is trying to show up his older brother with how hard he can kick. we move into week 27, let's just call him Abel Shebl. He's clearly able to kick, punch and roll. According to the books, he's able to open his eyes, hear and suck on his fingers. Send in your favorite names now. Only 13 weeks left!! ;0)