Ok...so upon sharing our news with immediate family and a few close friends, I am coming to understand that all the traditional symptoms of what I thought were going to be "another period" were really signs that I was pregnant: cramping, tender breasts, fatigue, minor crankiness. Dang, good thing I took the test (well...5 tests). I would've continued to try to stifle my uncomfortable situation with glasses of wine and a jump start of caffeine in the morning.
So, first things first. Finding out that I'm pregnant. When hubs approached me on lovely V-Day, asking me to take a test before we started out for a hike with the pups, I thought, "Ok, no big deal. Just take this test, be on your way for a much needed day outside and then have a delicious dinner and hearty glass of wine with the fam for a great Sunday. No biggie."

"Wait! What the heck?!! What does that say? Is that two lines? No. It can't be. I'm totally cramping and going to start my period any moment. Ok. No big deal. I'm sure there's another test around here. I'm sure...where IS IT??!!! Where is that damn test?!! Ok. Here we go. One more time. Wait! What's that?! A faint horizontal line with a punchy purple, vertical line. What does that mean??!! Where are those directions?! Let the test sit flat for approximately 3 minutes...blah...blah...blah...ok, if the test shows a positive sign no matter how faint, the results are.........................................P O S I T I V E! Holy crap!"
This is when hubs comes to the door, knocking and asking what's going on. "Ummmm...." is all I could get out. He looks down at the tests in minor disbelief and glances back at my pale face asking if I'm ok. We hug and I tell him I need more tests. With the dogs already in the truck, I decide to head to the store myself and buy two more. Needless to say, the results were the same. Same faint horizontal line with a striking vertical line.
So now on my second day of knowing I call Kaiser for an appointment and they inform me I need to take a test in their lab before they will schedule me. I go down on Monday afternoon, pee in the cup and impatiently await the "24-hour" results. When I finally got them on Tuesday evening confirming a positive test and received printed results is when I finally believed it.
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