Last week we had our 20 week ultrasound and the tech confirmed that we were having a boy. Johnny and I decided not to offer up the fact that we already knew because we heard about another lady that had Kaiser tell her she was having a girl and an outside ultrasound facility said it was a boy. We just wanted to see if the tech's answer would concur.

Immediately during our ultrasound, she said "Oh, there it is. You're definitely having a boy!" (I'll spare you more pics of his privates.) She continued with the ultrasound pointing out different body parts, organs, etc. and complying with my constant questions. She said he weighed 13 oz. already and estimated the due date at October 19th (sorry Bro, you may have to share your BD). That's 3 oz. bigger than what the book says for 20 weeks! Maybe it's those burgers we've been eating. Ha!
That Friday we met with the Midwife who confirmed that he looked healthy. Always nice to hear. I measured at 21" and wegot to hear his heartbeat again. He's a busy bee in there at about 144 beats/minute. Now we won't see our Midwife again until July.
Check out that spine! Nice, huh?!
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