This has gone from my spot to share all my questions, fears and experiences to a necessary outlet for the good, bad and the ugly that goes along with having two boys. I wouldn't change it for the world!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

How Big Will Baby Johnny Get?

While we were in Tahoe, we were discussing how big we think Baby Johnny will get. Be sure to vote in the poll to the right how big you think Baby Johnny will be! We are getting excited to welcome him even if he is a big boy.

I'm especially curious now since my friend recently had a boy who was late and she thought he would be big and was only a little over 6 lbs. while my other friend had her son around her due date and he weighed over 9 lbs!

1 comment:

Bree Wilder said...

I can't wait to find out how big he is!!!