So....just when I start to think our son can't be smarter, cuter, more entertaining or anything less than perfect, he gut checks me!! I think he notes my false sense of reality and decides to do something to crush my perfect vision. Well friends, today was one of those days. After breakfast, he was covered in oatmeal (a sign of a creative genius), so I took his jammies off and let him run around in his diaper while I did our breakfast dishes. I come out of the kitchen to see him rubbing his hands together and his diaper hanging loosely.
"What's that on your hands?!" I'm sure you guessed it!! P-O-O-P!! What the...?!
"Oh no you didn't!"
I thought we were so close to his potty mastering, considering he likes to sit on his potty chair and has once "made a gift" while sitting on it (with a diaper on), but still!!
I still think this was a well thought out plan to keep me from submitting his application to the Gifted Program.
You win for now Wee One. Score: Johnny-1, Mom-0
I am terrified of this every happening. TERRIFIED.
Ha! Ha! Pay back time!!!
Love, Your Mom
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