This has gone from my spot to share all my questions, fears and experiences to a necessary outlet for the good, bad and the ugly that goes along with having two boys. I wouldn't change it for the world!

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Half Way...Already!

We had our 20 week appt last week and our little man is growing quickly. He was 12 oz at the appt. That's the size of a can of soda. He'll be much better looking though. ;0) 

My friend is a few weeks ahead of me and was saying how she is craving OJ. I didn't realize my obsession with OJ until she mentioned it. I could suck down a carton of OJ like a teenage boy right now!! Luckily, I'm not craving burgers too often like I was with Baby Johnny. Now, brie cheese...that's another story. While this pregnancy has been relatively easy, there are still a few things I miss.

1) sleeping on my back/stomach
2) W-I-N-E
4) more than 1 cup of caffeine/day
5) jeans w/o an elastic waistband (if I buy pajama jeans, please intervene!!)
6) working out. Wait....that's not true.
7) having 1 chin

Things I missed about being pregnant and am enjoying:

1) feeling the baby move/kick (never gets old)
2) less guilt when I indulge in higher fat foods (not including that 1/2 box of See's Candy that one day...ugh)
3) more frequent back rubs
4) people are nicer/more helpful towards pregnant people ;0) 
5) the anticipation of meeting him for the first time (not the birth can keep that)

Still working on a name. Naming him after someone is much easier! Now we need a first and middle name. Phew. This is hard!! We're accepting all suggestions, except Smitty. Don't ask. 

Since Baby J was 15 days early, I thought it would be fun to see when people think Wee Deaux will arrive. Cast your votes to the right!