This has gone from my spot to share all my questions, fears and experiences to a necessary outlet for the good, bad and the ugly that goes along with having two boys. I wouldn't change it for the world!

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Johnny's First Steps

So on Friday, May 14th we drove down to Malibu for a Saturday wedding. That night when we were relaxing in our room, getting ready for bed, I felt something different near my baby region. It was a faint flutter and while I told John immediatedly, I said it could've been the 2 BURGERS I ate that day shifting. (I know 2 least they weren't consecutively!! Just two that day.) Monday night at home while reading, I felt it again. Baby Johnny kicked twice!! I ran out to tell John, although it was still too early for him to feel.

Now we're into our 19th week and he is an ACTIVE BOY!!! He seems to be most active in the morning when I'm at work and in the evening around dinner or bed time, which my friends say is pretty normal. It's such an AMAZING feeling! I can't wait for John to be able to feel it. The ultrasound tech asked last week if I've been having some pain or cramping lately and I said, "yes". "Well, that's because he's kicking your cervix," she laughed.

Oh little Johnny, how I love thee. But my one request as your host. diner and mother is "Please stop using my cervix as a trampoline."

Friday, May 21, 2010

It's Official!! We're Having A BOY!

We had an 18 week appointment today at an ultrasound facility for gender determination and's a BOY!!!! I think it's in the jeans! Ha. I mean the genes.

The 3D one is kinda freaky, but Johnny's saying he's #1, like we didn't know. ;0) That better be his pointer finger!!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Week 17...And Growing

So this is week 17 and I'm definitely starting to show now. (Odd that I look like I've been drinking in my pic. What's with the expression?!)

Next week is my last scheduled week of work at Taco Loco. Let's be honest, a pregnant bartender serving your drinks is not that cool. I entered the "real" world of employment again and have taken a part time marketing job with a catering company. It's going well, except on Tuesday which is cinammon roll baking day. Ohhh....gooey, sweet cinammon rolls how I hate to love thee.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Question & A Quick Pic

So...reading my pregnancy books about week 16, they tell me to start sleeping on my side now. Apparently, sleeping or resting for too long on your back adds pressure from the uterus on the vena cava and aorta decreasing circulation to the baby. WHAT!??? I never knew that! Did you? Did you sleep on your back when you were pregnant?

And...I found this pic the other day of my mom, the day we found out we were pregnant. I told her in a card and she has me holding up the conception wheel estimating my due date. She was only off by 5 days. She may actually be glowing more than I am! Way to get excited Mom!!

My First Un-Official Mother's Day

Yesterday morning I woke up to a sweet note from my hubby, fresh cut roses from our yard (grown and hand picked by JAS) and a delicious breakfast! A girl could get used to this.  Yesterday we celebrated Mother's Day at my Grandma's house with a bbq, ping pong, badmitton and great family time! It was a lot of fun celebrating over there like we used to when I was growing up. I can't wait for our child to get quality time and share fantastic holidays with his/her Great Grandmother!! She'll be the most active GG that our kid knows. Grandma takes more trips and is busier than we are. I can't wait for you, Baby Shebl, to get to make cookies with your GG, play games and have her trace letters on your back while you try not not fall asleep. Fantastic grandparents, a great grandmother, a great-great grandmother plus all your amazing family!! You are one lucky baby!!

Here's a little belly show off on Mother's Day!

Friday, May 7, 2010

Week 16 Appointment

16 weeks/4 months already!! It seems to be going by so fast. My friends and family keep warning me that towards the end of the pregnancy I will feel like I'm so ready to be done.  Regardless, I'm enjoying every minute of it. Today was our 16 week appointment and Midwife Roberts said the baby's heartbeat was 146/min. Normal is 100-160, so Baby Shebl is definitely active. We heard the baby kick through the monitor, but I can't feel it yet. I tried to convince MW Roberts to do an ultrasound, but she was immune to my charm.

Only 4 more weeks til we find out the sex, June 1st!!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

More Cravings

So pizza and burgers have been topping my cravings lately, but I've got to tell you what guilty pleasure I've picked up lately for the house too. Mmmmm.....Original Kraft Macaroni & Cheese (from the box), powdered cheese and all!!! Although today I substituted my powdered cheese for real cheese. Still delicious.  You would not have caught me eating this a year ago, no way, no how. Now....4 boxes sit in the cupboard waiting for my pure enjoyment. Oh how I heart thee.