This has gone from my spot to share all my questions, fears and experiences to a necessary outlet for the good, bad and the ugly that goes along with having two boys. I wouldn't change it for the world!

Friday, April 9, 2010

Week 12 Appointment

Our week 12 appointment was today and can I tell you I went to it with mixed emotions. I had worked myself into a frenzy starting yesterday and didn't sleep my usual deep pregnant sleep worried about today's appointment. I had started worrying that there wouldn't be a heartbeat and then I would worry that there would be and I got nervous about becoming a parent. Silly, I know.

We met the Midwife who I liked very much. She was very sweet, patient and considerate. She let us hear the heartbeat before doing my exam. We heard Baby Shebl's heartbeat on a little hand held contraption with a speaker and a tiny wand on the end of it. I tried to hold it in, but as soon as I heard it's quick little pitter patter, I cried. From there we did my exam, which I will spare you the details because I believe it was the least fun female exam I've ever had thus far (if there was a fun scale for probing).

Anyhow, after the exam she was asking us questions and talking about things to watch for, to try to do, etc. but all I could think about was the heartbeat I heard. I asked if we could hear the heartbeat one more time. I expected her to say no since I knew she had other patients. But...she looked at me sweetly and said, "oh, ok". I was elated!! She tried with the hand held monitor for a few minutes and when she couldn't find it said, "I am determined to find this stubborn baby that keeps running from me." She went and retrieved the big, portable ultrasound machine and we got to see our baby, unexpectedly. This time we saw a baby. John was pointing out all the parts: arm, leg, head, nose, heartbeat. It was so amazing!! Then Baby Shebl turned on his/her back which was cool to see. That US experience made it feel pretty real! MW Roberts printed out 4 copies for us since I told her I was going to see my mom and mother-in-law the next day. They each got their own US picture. I look at that photo almost everyday and can't wait for the next one.

Meet Baby Shebl!! Baby is on his/her back and you can see the head to the left, an arm sticking up and a leg below the stomach. You can see where the face is developing and the ear canal.  So amazing!!! 

1 comment:

Bree Wilder said...

WEE SHEBL! I can't wait for Jackson's friend to arrive!