This has gone from my spot to share all my questions, fears and experiences to a necessary outlet for the good, bad and the ugly that goes along with having two boys. I wouldn't change it for the world!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep

Every time I look at precious Baby Johnny I am in awe of his beautiful features.  Occasionally this served as a great reminder as to why I could go days on little or no sleep.  The first couple months were trying as Wee and I adjusted to the two-hour-nap sleep pattern. I'm not gonna lie. There were days that I broke down and cried over spilled milk, no literally... I spilled milk and then I cried, from being so tired. There were a few times that Johnny had to wake me up to feed, because I was so dead asleep that I could not hear the baby crying next to me! 

There were nights that the baby would only sleep in his swing, other nights he would only sleep in our bed and some nights he would only sleep if I held him. On the other hand, I could have slept in line at the grocery store, in my car at a stoplight, during a cavity filling, at a packed restaurant or after a quadruple espresso which I'm sure I did. There were days that I thought he would never start sleeping more than 4 hours at a time. Some of my friends kids were sleeping 10 to 14 hours and I thought maybe Baby J just didn't like to sleep. Truth be told, I realized that part of the problem was that we had him sleeping in our bed. ;0(
I don't know who fought it more, me or Johnny.

At our 5 month appointment the Dr said to get him in his crib asap and start him on food (more on that another day). We worked inconsistently on putting him in his crib, I'm not gonna lie. When Mother Mary came last week she watched him one night while we were at a class and got him to sleep in his crib. That set the momentum for crib training. He's now slept in his crib for the last 3 nights. He wakes up once and I feed him in his room and put him back down. He's sleeping an average of 10-12 hours. What a big boy!! If you ever find me cuddling in his crib, be sure to drag me out by my hair!!

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