This has gone from my spot to share all my questions, fears and experiences to a necessary outlet for the good, bad and the ugly that goes along with having two boys. I wouldn't change it for the world!

Friday, May 7, 2010

Week 16 Appointment

16 weeks/4 months already!! It seems to be going by so fast. My friends and family keep warning me that towards the end of the pregnancy I will feel like I'm so ready to be done.  Regardless, I'm enjoying every minute of it. Today was our 16 week appointment and Midwife Roberts said the baby's heartbeat was 146/min. Normal is 100-160, so Baby Shebl is definitely active. We heard the baby kick through the monitor, but I can't feel it yet. I tried to convince MW Roberts to do an ultrasound, but she was immune to my charm.

Only 4 more weeks til we find out the sex, June 1st!!

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